
Just as group of people we support is very diverse, so is our own team. Our motivated team works hard to combine our different expertise, networks, and perspectives for a common goal: better living conditions for undocumented people in Amsterdam.


We are proud to introduce Adam Idris, one of the founders of Between Borders. In the past 10 years, he has worked to improve the living conditions of undocumented refugees in the Netherlands. Adam knows from personal experience what it is like to survive on your own, because the lack of papers makes it impossible to participate as any other member of society.

As an expert by experience, Adam is an indispensable board member our foundation. His extensive network in Amsterdam, and beyond,  makes it possible to enter into valuable partnerships with new partners. To draw attention to the harsh conditions, which undocumented face in the Netherlands, Adam even spoke to Rutger Groot Wassink, Alderman for Social Affairs, Diversity and Democratization in Amsterdam. For years, Adam was active within the “We Are Here” movement in the Netherlands. This movement consisted of undocumented refugees who united themselves to make their voices heard with the aim to improve their living conditions.

Together with Rogier Schravendeel, a well-connected member of the extensive network of churches in Amsterdam, Adam built bridges between the churches and undocumented refugees with a direct need for humanitarian aid. Amongst other things, this collaboration resulted in the "Solidarity Meal", where interested parties can enjoy the most delicious African meals. This meal is still the core of our work as a foundation to this day.

From that moment on, more people - touched by the special initiative - offered their help as a volunteer, which resulted in a motivated team. In early 2020, we decided to strengthen our social projects by setting up an official foundation. Our team now consists of target group expert and recruiter Adam, chef and target group expert Tawfiq, social worker Amapola, art educator Maria, political scientist and editor-in-chief Matthijs, photographer and social media guru Laura, and respected consultant Rogier.